Extracts from the Annual General Meeting 16h00: 30th October 78
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Architect(s): Danie Theron, Colonel Hirst
Location(s): Caister Hotel, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria
Keywords: sponsors, Cape Provincial Institute, Architecture S.A., international malaise, McKenzie Commission, client/architect agreement, revised scale of fees, National Board, National Building Regulations, Project Managers, inspectors, lighting, ventilation, ‘Parkside’, uninhabitable slum, Norms Committee, hospital, Sectional Titles Legislation, Royal Institute of British Architects, education, annual registration, Transvaal Provincial Institute, SAPOA, Practice Levy, Reservation of Work, Minister, exhibition, ‘Architecture and Our City’, Witness, image, advertise individually, Special General, local press, seal, corporate advertising, environmental issues, community, political, Don Smith, Barry Clark, gentlemen, circumstances, trial
A Planetary Disease
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Author(s): Ian Poole
Keywords: Ian McHarg, planetary doctor, ‘hardware’, ‘software’, computer, Municipalities, city-scape, Esplanade commuter railway line, beachfront Disneyland, freeways, pilgrimage, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Piazza de Campo, Sienna, ‘Less is more’, bus shelters, aesthetic sensibilities
Thesis Projects 1978
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Author(s): Lance Smith
Location(s): Shembas Village, Chesterville, Grey Street
Keywords: final year, University of Natal, design skill, examiners, less privileged sector, housing, Grey Street Mosque complex, convention, Maritime Museum, casino, Transkei Wild Coast, Library for Durban, Boys Town, P. Millborrow, Blacks, rehabilitation, juveniles, corrective institutions, ‘solar technologies’, rainwater, passive ventilation, solar collectors, production of gas, methane generation plant, construction materials, low capital cost, local manufacture, Social Amenity Centre, P. Malefane, staged development, external public spaces, Islamic Cultural and Community Centre, S. Mills, urban design, Juma Masjid Mosque, maximum potential, historical, cultural, architectural significance, development pressures, infill, bulk transfer, freeway, Madressa Arcade, traditional relationship, Thoracic Surgical Unit for Wentworth Hospital, Outpatients Department for King Edward VIII Hospital, Sugar Research Station, Mount Edgecombe, world of practice
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Keywords: address, partnership, New Practices, membership, new members, resignations, deceased