Dear Members
It is with sadness that we record the passing of Professor (Pattabi) Raman, former Architecture Professor at Wits and UFS, and more recently Head at CPUT in Cape Town. Professor Raman served as a KZNIA Awards juror in 2009, and some will recall his keynote speech at the KZNIA Education conference held a few years ago at the Durban University of Technology. He was approachable and witty, and his intelligence on architecture and the world in general always shone through. He will be missed by many.
May has been a busy month at the KZNIA. We presented the PubliCITY exhibition at the KZNSA Gallery and I am grateful to all of those who exhibited. A great deal of work goes into the planning and implementing of such an exhibition – effort on the part of Practices in preparing the exhibits; effort on the part of the KZNIA Staff in coordinating the material; and effort on the part of those collating and curating the material, sifting through drawings and models and working with the KZNSA Staff in agreeing the final layout. I thank you all for this effort. The exhibition was wonderful.
During the week that the exhibition was on display, we held the Presidential Inauguration, kindly sponsored by the ever supportive Corobrik. The event was well supported by dignitaries from around the country and you may have seen the exposure that we received in the Press, on Morning Live (SABC2), on SAFM and on East Coast Radio. As the evening event was sponsored, we were limited in numbers due to catering arrangements, so I express my apologies should you not have been on the list of invitees. You all matter to me and I’m sure that we will spend some time together at future events.
Our Guest Speaker at the Inauguration was Peter Williams, Founder and Executive Director of Archive Global – (ARCHIVE is an acronym: Architecture for Health In Vulnerable Environments)
Peter spoke of the work that his organisation is doing around the globe, and I am very grateful to Peter for making the time to travel out from New York for the event.
I have been asked by a few people to send them my speech, which I have done. Should anyone else be interested I will ask that Des place the document as a link on our Website.
Since having taken over the presidency, I have been amazed by the assistance (and offers of assistance) that I have received from our members. We have a wealth of experience in our membership and this should be shared by all. In my inauguration address I spoke of ‘Ubuntu’ and of our membership working together for a common good. A further extract follows:
“I have over the past few months had to respond a number of times to the question, “What benefits are there to being a member of the KZNIA?” While my initial thoughts went to a standard list of benefits prepared some years ago, further consideration has made it very clear to me that there is no need for a list at all. The greatest benefit has to be the grouping of like-minded people striving with common cause, working together to achieve a better environment through Architecture, and being instrumental in meaningful policy making“. Let’s work together!
We are proud to announce that Professor Lone Poulsen has been appointed as the Programme Director of Open Architecture. Many of you will know Lone from Wits University – she will bring drive and enthusiasm to the Unit. You can follow the updates regarding Open Architecture on Facebook . The first offering at B.Tech level, is planned to start in 2014, through the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
We received 24 submissions for the KZNIA Awards of Merit! Judging of these exciting projects will begin in just over a week.
Progress is well under way with the Planning for UIA2014. Nina Saunders briefed a group of interested people at the KZNSA Gallery recently and “Otherwhere” looks very enticing. Please start making plans to attend.
There has been good support for the SAHRIS Workshop of 31 May 2013. Please place in your diaries the following:
Environmental Impact Assessment Triggers – 20 June 2013
UKZN Student Exhibition – held at KZNIA on 28 June 2013
UIA2014 – August 2014
‘Til next