Invitation to serve on Committees of SACAP
The South African Council for the Architectural Profession (“SACAP”) which is a statutory body established in terms of section 2 of the Architectural Profession Act No 44 of 2000 (“the Act”), hereby invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced professionals to serve on SACAP Committees.
Investigating Committee
The Investigating Committee is established in terms of section 17 (1) (a) of the Architectural Profession Act (“the Act’’). In terms of section 28 (1) of the Act, the council must refer any matter brought against a registered person to an Investigating Committee contemplated in section 17 if;
(a) the council has reasonable grounds to suspect that a registered person has committed act which may render him or her guilty of improper conduct; or
(b) a complaint, charge or allegation of improper conduct has been brought against a registered person by any person.
- A matric certificate together with an appropriate qualification/s.
- Specialised skills and experience in the built environment, in particular architecture.
- A minimum of a 4 year Degree in Legum Baccalaureus (LLB) or Architecture qualification.
- Forensic investigation experience and skills within the built environment sector.
- Specialised skills in mediation, construction disputes resolution and arbitration will be an added advantage.
Audit and Risk Committee
The main role and function of the Audit Committee is to ensure the effectiveness of the internal control system and compliance with SACAP’s obligations under the applicable laws and regulations, and to oversee the integrity of the financial statements of Council.
- A matric certificate together with appropriate qualifications.
- A minimum of a (3) three year Degree in the field of Accounting, and Auditing/Management.
- Experience in the field of Accounting and Auditing.
- Appropriate knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and King III.
- Appropriate knowledge/experience of public entities.
- Previous experience as member of the Audit committee will serve as an added advantage.
Continuing Professional Development & Professional Development (CPD)
The primary objective of the CPD requirements is to enhance professional skills while supporting development within the Architectural Profession. In order to ensure that registered persons are competent and skilled, the CPD committee will develop policies on Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
- A matric certificate together with appropriate qualifications.
- A minimum of a (3) three year Degree in education or qualification in BAS or B.Arch.
- Specialised skills and experience in registration and education of professionals in the architectural profession.
- Knowledge and experience in continuing professional development and quality assurance.
Accreditations and Validations Committee
The Committee is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of standard-setting programs for Accreditation and educational institutions validation. The Committee conducts accreditation validation at Architectural Learning Sites (ALS) to satisfy SACAP that learning and achievement by students as embodied in the teaching it carries out and the degrees it awards, meet the SACAP professional benchmarks. The Committee validates whether programme of study developed and delivered by Architectural Learning Sites is of an appropriate quality and standard to lead to an award of an architectural qualification.
- A matric certificate together with appropriate qualifications.
- A minimum of a (3) three year Degree in the field of education or qualification in BAS or B.Arch.
- Specific experience with courses in evaluation, assessment, accreditation, validation, and credentialing is required.
- Experience with evaluation of outcomes of education and training required.
- Knowledge and experience in validation of academic and educational institutions.
- Skills in education development, teaching and academic development.
Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Relations Committee
The Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to Council on policy matters which impact significantly on internal and external stakeholders. The Committee will develop policies and procedures regarding communication issues, including communication of policy statements, marketing and branding of SACAP.
- A matric certificate together with appropriate qualifications.
- A minimum of a (3) three year Degree i