Department of Public Works’ Deputy Minister Inaugurates new SACAP 4th term Council members
The architectural profession in South Africa is governed and regulated by the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) in terms of Section 2 of the Architectural Profession Act No. 44 of 2000 (“the Act”). SACAP is directed and managed by council members who are nominated in terms of section 3 of the Act. The council is appointed by the Minister of Public Works (DPW) and serves office for a period of four (4) years.
SACAP’s primary mandate, amongst others is to protect the public by regulating the architectural profession; take steps to ensure that the public’s health and safety is not compromised through provision of architectural services; regulate architectural education and register and maintain an up-to-date database of all architectural professionals and candidates.
Upon receipt of nominations from the public, new council members had been appointed by Department of Public Works (DPW) Minister, Mr Thulasi Nxesi in April 2014. On Friday, 6 June 2014 Mr Jeremy Cronin inaugurated the newly elected 4th term council members of SACAP under the direction of the recently appointed Registrar, Ms Marella O’Reilly, at the Southern Sun Hotel, OR Tambo International. During his speech, Cronin encouraged the newly inaugurated council to be more involved in the real and pressing urban and human settlement challenges facing society at grass roots. He further committed to the new council members that DPW will have direct engagement with SACAP to ensure that the architectural profession is extensively promoted.
The Deputy Minister was engaged in ensuring the smooth running of elections of the SACAP President, Vice- President and Treasurer of the council. On tallying the votes, Mr Yashaen Luckan was elected as the new SACAP President, Ms Maureen Gerrans as his vice President and the treasurer’s position was taken by Ms Gillian Bolton. During his speech, the newly elected SACAP President Mr Yashaen Luckan outlined that transformation will be one of the main focus strategies of the new council. He further committed himself that during this four year term the council will engage and collaborate with all stakeholders, including recognised Voluntary Associations.
Some of the key focus areas of transformation will be Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Review of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and Identification of Work (IDoW). Furthermore, SACAP is beginning a process of realigning itself to PFMA.
Luckan’s message to the public encapsulates the spirit of the new 4th term council, in his statement:”There are many challenges facing practitioners and, indeed, all stakeholders of architecture. You are assured that positive change is forthcoming. Our diverse and dynamic team is part of you, the society that ultimately lives the decisions of the council, and it is due to this diversity within that positive transformation must emerge as the overarching outcome of the mandate of the 4thterm Council of SACAP”.
The council strives towards a participatory approach and, in this regard, is making a call to members of the public and professionals to come forward and volunteer to serve as co-opted members of the various committees of SACAP in order to improve its services in protecting the public and executing its mandate. A formal call for volunteers will be published on our website shortly.
Luckan further acknowledged the work done by the 3rd term council members. “We as the newly appointed 4th term council would, once again like to thank the out-going council for their services to the council and wish them well”, he ended.
Pappie Maja
South African Council for the Architectural Profession
Tel: 011 479 5000
Cell: 082 863 6544
Fax: 011 479 5100