Keywords: Musa Shangase
Location(s) Sandton
Keywords: Vedhant Maharaj, 2015 Corobrik Architectural Student of the Year, KAruni Naidoo
Author(s) Prof. Walter Peters
Location(s) Shine Studios, Braamfontein
Keywords: Louis du Plessis, graduation ceremony
Architect(s): Hans Hallen
Location(s) KZNIA
Keywords: Peter Engblom, Ruben Reddy, Honorary Life Membership, Convent for the Society of St John the Devine
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: diversity, gender, work-from-home-practice, sexual harrassment, black women graduates
Architect(s): CNN Architects, Janina Masojada, Joanne Lees, Debbie Whelan, Chantal Pieterse
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: WiASA KZN, Patriarchy, gender, transformation, diversity, Intersectionality
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: Urban Foundation, activist, First black women architecture graduate, housing, gender
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: race, Poverty, BESG, SABTACO
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: women
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: affirmative action
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Architect(s): Nina Saunders, Dharsha Naidoo, Sandy Naiker, Mary-Anne North, Nasreen Arabi, Helen Reeves, Laura Hunt
Keywords: public sector architecture, municipal architecture department, small traders’ stalls
Architect(s): Ruben Reddy Architects
Author(s) Ruben Reddy
Keywords: KZNIA president, gender, KAruni Naidoo
Author(s) Rodney Harber
Keywords: John Frost, Architectural Heritage Committee, Art Deco society, Friends of the Berea, Esplanade
Architect(s): Conco Bryan Architects
Author(s) Nelile Conco
Keywords: Llew Bryan Architects, Conco Bryan Architects, University of Mpumalanga
Architect(s): The Creative Axis Architects
Author(s) Mayuri Bhana
Keywords: Indian girls, Zaha Hadid
Architect(s): Yashaen Luckan Architects
Author(s) Yashaen Luckan
Keywords: Society needs women architects, SACAP, WiASA
Architect(s): Duncan-Brown Architects
Author(s) Alethea Duncan-Brown
Keywords: PG Glass Competition, NMU, Programme director, Master’s degree, practice
Author(s) Bridget Horner
Keywords: urban mother
Architect(s): Emmett : Emmett Architects
Author(s) Dr Shannon Emmett
Keywords: SAIA-President 2004, restoration architect, first women architect of the KZNIA, council member of SACAP
Architect(s): TJ Architects
Author(s) Jodi Davids-Harber
Keywords: coloured, UKZN, gender transformation, Geoffrey le Seur Travel Scholarship
Architect(s): Gillespie Architects
Keywords: Gender
Architect(s): Stitch Studio
Author(s) Sally Lewis
Keywords: Rodney Harber, London, KwaZulu-Natal
Architect(s): Lindsay Napier Architect
Author(s) Lindsay Napier
Keywords: Fridjon and Fulford, rural hospitals, Sally Adams, dual role of a mother and architect
Author(s) Jenny Whitehead
Keywords: Hospital Development Manager, Western Cape Government
Author(s) Rob Brusse
Keywords: Natal Technical College, Barlette School of Architecture, UKZN, vitreous enamel
Architect(s): GAPP Architects and Urban Designers
Author(s) Barbara Southworth
Keywords: women and architect
Architect(s): Amanda Lead Architects
Author(s) Amanda Lead
Keywords: Barrie Biermann, Elle decoration, Zen studio
Architect(s): Ruben Reddy Architects
Author(s) Shaan Steyn
Keywords: Good architecture is the perfect women
Author(s) Jackie Yang
Keywords: UKZN student, Architects Collaborative, ACG Architects
Architect(s): Boogertman Architects
Author(s) Samantha Naik
Keywords: DUT, UKZN, Vito Coppola
Architect(s): GM Khan Architects
Author(s) Aadila Kajee
Keywords: Gender, architectural technologist
Author(s) Sushama Patel
Keywords: lecturer, University of Pretoria, separation of race and class, Intersectionality, gender oppression, SACAP
Architect(s): ACG Architects and Development Planners
Author(s) Malcolm Campbell
Keywords: President of SACAP 2001-9, Gender
Author(s) Simone le Grange
Keywords: lecturer, University of Cape Town, Women in Architecture SA Task Team
Architect(s): Angela Baker Architects
Author(s) Angela Baker
Keywords: UKZN 1993, East African pre-colonial trading settlements, Ilha de Mocambique, Dar es Salaam, Lamu, Ethiopia’s rock hewn churches
Architect(s): Transnet Projects KZN
Author(s) Riona Sewnarain
Keywords: path that led me, work in an environment, fir-for-purpose
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Keywords: women professionals, black architectural practices, apartheid, BBBEE, academia
Author(s) Tejal M.Singh
Keywords: Head of Space Management Facilities Management, City of Cape Town
Author(s) Rani Naiker
Keywords: University of Natal, Indian female, University of Cape Town, first female of colour to achieve a degree in Architecture
Architect(s): East Coast Architects
Author(s) Merylene Chitharai
Keywords: architectural technologist
Architect(s): Lees and Short Associated Architects
Author(s) Joanne Lees
Keywords: University of Natal, Lone Poulsen, Jessie Birss, Rodney Harber, BEAM, ACCESS, CMDA, BESG, SHiFT
Keywords: ceramic artist
Architect(s): Sally Adams Architects
Author(s) Senzekile Mlambo
Keywords: student, DUT, Mike Paterson, Koblenz University, Gdansk Poland
Author(s) Janine Hicks
Keywords: Commision for Gender Equality, democracy, Constitution, Bill of Rights, gender-based violence
Architect(s): Janina Masojada, Design Workshop
Author(s) Janina Masojada
Keywords: Le Corbusian Principles, Mies chair, problem solving, NIA, ACCESS, BEAM, marginalized communities
Architect(s): Qhakaza Africa Consulting
Author(s) Mandisa Daki
Keywords: CNN Architects, ML Sultan Technikon, Sagnelli Architects, 2008 Best Business in eThekwini, Best Women Owned Enterprise 2009
Architect(s): Vidal Architects
Author(s) Maria Vidal
Keywords: Natal University, disability in architecture, boutique hotels
Architect(s): Ambush Urbanism
Author(s) Lindsay Bush
Keywords: co-creation workshops, UN Women Safe Cities Programme, sexual harassment and violence against women, VPUU, sexual violence
Author(s) Amanda Lead
Keywords: Innovation Centre of UKZN, Hallen Custers Smith, Milek Masojada, Project Award from Architecture SA
Architect(s): Ruben Reddy Architects
Architect(s): Africo Architecture
Author(s) Poovashini Cunnoosaumi
Keywords: UKZN
Architect(s): Lev Eco Architects
Author(s) Tracy Levinson
Keywords: UCT
Architect(s): arch urban plan
Author(s) Inge Harber
Keywords: New Model Highschool in Ndumo, permaculture, rainwater harvesting, rural village of Ndumo
Architect(s): Ruben Reddy Architects
Author(s) Serenal Nadar
Keywords: Architectural Technology, draughting, Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital
Architect(s): NSM Designs
Author(s) Nomagugu Manci
Keywords: Esikhawini, Architecture, UKZN
Author(s) Debbie Whelan
Keywords: Associate Professor, DUT, University of Natal, Built Environment Support Group, heritage projects, Amafa, ICOMOS
Author(s) Michelle Jacobs
Keywords: Technical Librarian, Barrie Biermann, custodian, built heritage, maps of Durban
Architect(s): Walters & Cohen Architects
Keywords: Women Architect of the Year Award, KZNSA Gallery, Vajrasana Buddhist Retreat Centre
Architect(s): Ocean Architects
Author(s) Michelle Christine Quarmby
Keywords: gender discrimination, BBBEE, striking a balance
Author(s) Adheema Davis
Keywords: student, UKZN, women architect
Architect(s): Architecture Fabrik
Author(s) Chantal Pieterse
Keywords: heritage buildings, architecture is a tough profession
Architect(s): Jennie Castle Architects
Author(s) Jennie Castle
Keywords: Barrie Biermann, Brian Kearney, historical buildings, Rodney Harber, Derek Wang, Ted Tollman
Architect(s): Nero Halt
Author(s) Kathi Holt-Damant
Keywords: Kathi Holt-damant, philosophic construct, Buckminster Fuller, collaboration
Architect(s): City Architects
Author(s) Nina Saunders
Keywords: Deputy Head, City Architects, Rodney Harber, final year thesis, UIA 2014
Architect(s): Evolution Architects, Archiangels Architects
Author(s) Raewyn Hayhoe
Keywords: gender
Author(s) Ntokozo Zimu
Keywords: CAD, KwaDabeka, BAS, Nzuzo M Architecture & Project Managment
Architect(s): designworkshop : sa
Author(s) Carina Cloete
Author(s) Rodney Harber
Keywords: architect-planner, Holford Kantorowich, Tongaat Town Board, Belvedere Township
Architect(s): FGG Architects
Author(s) Kevin Bingham
Keywords: Incumbent Vice-President, SAIA, Dame Jane Drew prize, Women in Architecture
Author(s) Rozena Maart
Keywords: ccrri, Steve Biko, South African colonial and apartheid history, architect
Architect(s): Live Designs
Author(s) Ndu Mngomezulu
Keywords: Architectural Technology, DUT, Business Awards
Location(s) Durban
Keywords: Commissary General, South African Institute of Architects, women, Student Congress
Keywords: UIA 2014 eThekwnin liaison, sub-themes of resilience, ecology, values, architecture otherwhere
Keywords: Sudanese-South African architect, General Reporter, UIA, old boys
Keywords: walls, social relations, apartheid spatial geography, sexuality and gender
Architect(s): Janina Masojada, Trish Emmett, Karuni Naidoo, Joy Brasler, Chantal Pieterse, Nomagugu Manci, Joanne Lees, Michelle Quarmby, Monique Gillespie, Amanda Lead
Architect(s): Janina Masojada, Joanne Lees, Cindy Walters & Michal Cohen, Nina Saunders, Karuni Naidoo
Author(s) Janina Masojada
Location(s) Tankwa Karoo National Park
Keywords: otherwhere, urban plan
Author(s) Amanda Lead
Location(s) Lyon – France
Author(s) Ursula Brunner
Location(s) Southern Africa
Keywords: wattle and daub construction, vernacular architecture
Author(s) Karuni Naidoo
Location(s) Kerala, south-western India
Keywords: Dutch East India Company Building, Vasco da Gama, colonial, Cape Dutch Architecture
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South Africa
Phone: 031 201 7590
© SAIA KZN 2024