Dear Voluntary Associations,
Professional Practice Examination
SACAP advises all stakeholders including Voluntary Associations, Registered Professionals and Candidates that Council has decided to allow for additional time for preliminary applications to write the March 2014 Practice Examination (PPE).
The March 2014 SACAP Professional Practice Exam will take place on 27 March 2014.
The following important revised dates must be noted:
14 February 2014 – Revised closing date for preliminary applications
24 February 2014 – Confirmation of eligibility to write the Professional Practice Examination (PPE)
28 February 2014 – Closing date for final payments
14 March 2014 – Applicants to be informed of venues and time for the Professional Practice Examination (PPE)
27 March 2014 – Revised date for the Professional Practice Examination (PPE)
Please download all relevant information regarding the Professional Practice Exam (PPE) from SACAP website:
Communication should be entered into via the following e-mail
The Professional Practice Examination (PPE) is written twice a year at various centres nationally and internationally and an administrative fee is payable.
All persons registered as “Candidates” are required to write the PPE before being registered in a Professional registration category.
- A preliminary application fee is payable with the application.
- This fee must be paid directly into the Council’s bank account and proof of payment must accompany this application – information listed on the application form.
- Administration fees for the preliminary application:
Standard Venues (listed at the bottom of this application) R250.00 (R219.30 + R30.70 VAT)
Other Venues (not listed below and/or outside SA) R250.00 (R219.30 + R30.70 VAT) - All the monthly training records submitted by the applicant during the period of registration, must be re-submitted with the application form. No application will be considered without the proof of payment and copies of the monthly training records.
- After the closing date for Preliminary Applications (14 February 2014), the calculation of the monthly training records for the Candidate applicants will be done to determine the eligibility to write the PPE.
- SACAP will inform applicants in writing of their eligibility to write the PPE (24 February 2014). NO confirmation will be given telephonically.
- After receipt of confirmation of eligibility to write the PPE, applicants will have until 28 February 2014 to pay the balance of the administration fee, which are as follows:
Standard Venues – R1 520.00 (R1 333.33 + R186.67 VAT)
Other Venues – R3 437.00 (R3 014.91 + R422.09 VAT) - The examination will be written on : 27 March 2014
- Only SACAP registered candidates (persons) will be allowed to write the PPE.
- Contact information supplied will be taken as the applicant’s preferred contact details and SACAP’s database amended accordingly.
- Applicants registered as Candidates will only be allowed to write the PPE, if they meet the conditions of the Practical Training and Examination Policy.
- Administration fees are non-refundable.
- Exam scripts will under no circumstances be made available for perusal.
- Results of the PPE will be communicated with the applicants by e-mail.
- No results will be given telephonically.
- No late applications and/or payments will be accepted or considered.
- Candidates will no longer be identified by their full names, but by their SACAP account numbers. This number will be confirmed to the Candidates with the final confirmation of arrangements (venues etc) for the PPE.
- Candidates are required to provide the following document(s) for identity purposes: Barcoded SA ID document; or Valid Passport
Kind regards
Jacquie Cullis
Manager: Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations (CSR)
SA Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP)
Tel: +27 11 479 5000
Fax: +27 011 479 5100
website :
1st Floor, Lakeside Place, Cnr Ernest Oppenheimer and Queen Street, Bruma
PO Box 408, Bruma, 2026