Dear Members
You will have received our recent Newsflash regarding the KZNIA addressing complains related to the withdrawal of the New Durban Library tender. We have also written to the Municipality requesting that they confirm that all tenderers have received all of the notices in this regard, and that they extend the appeal period by 7 days to allow for those that were not timeously notified to appeal, should they so wish.
We had requested an acknowledgement of the receipt of our letter. This has not been received to date. We therefore advise tenderers, should you wish to appeal and have not done so, to submit such appeals today (Friday 4 July 2014) as we understand that appeals formally close today.
Members of the KZNIA Exco met formally with the representatives of the Ethekwini Architecture Department today. We will issue an update on these proceedings next week.
Kevin Bingham
KZNIA President