484 Dr Pixley Kaseme St, Durban Central, Durban, South Africa
The West Street Masjid was built four years later, several blocks away from the Grey Street Masjid, making it the second masjid to be erected in Durban. In 1903 it was extended to include an enlarged prayer area, a madressa, shops, residences and a two-storey minaret. A few months later, architects Henry & Hill prepared revised plans for the minaret to be raised to four floors but with a reduced dome in order to satisfy the sensitivities of white traders in the area. In 1917 a madressa (religious school) was established on the Pine Street side but it was demolished in 1918 in order to increase the size of the prayer area. In the late 1980s the masjid underwent substantial alterations again.
Architect(s): Not Available
Year: Not Available
Islamic Architecture

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